Synertek Systems KTM-2 & KTM-2/80

This page contains the source code with binaries, manual, and schematic for the KTM-2 terminal.


The 60 key binary files ARE NOT for a standard KTM-2. These files have been modified for a 60 key verses the KTM's 54 key keyboard. Procedures on how to use your original ROMS and these files are located else ware. Files ending with .RAE can be downloaded directly into your SYM using RAE and the SYM Link program.

60 Key Boot ROM - Contains altered binaries for KTM2 & 2/80. (2732 - 4K)

60 Key Character ROM - Character generator binaries for above. (2716 - 2K)

54 Key Original Boot ROM - Contains both KTM2 & 2/80 binaries. (2732 - 4K)

54 Key Original Boot ROM - Contains only KTM2/80 binaries. (2716 - 2K)

54 Key Original Boot ROM - Contains original binaries in text format.

54 Key Character ROM - Original 54 Key binaries with change made to cursor from blinking block to blinking line.

54 Key Character ROM - Original 54 key binaries in text format.

Source Code KTM2/80 - Hacked version to allow either original or new boot ROM to be generated in text format.

Source Code KTM2/80 - Same as above but in RAE format. Use Sym Link to download this file.

Complete Manual

Complete Schematic

I have included some notes and prints showing how and where I added the extra keys for the larger keyboard that work correctly with the above 60 key code. Cross-points circled in blue are the added keys. I also needed to change the existing keys matrix with new ASCII values to correctly display the new ASCII code. Example would be on the original KTM, a shift 2 displays an ", whereas on a normal keyboard the shift 2 is an @ character. These are also shown in the schematic, but are not highlighted. Below is the mapping table showing the binary bites and the corresponding ASCII code generated for both keyboards.

 KTM-2 Keyboard Encoding Table. Remember that all bytes are backwards.

 IF KEYS-54 (Standard KTM)
 Lower Case Table                                                     *NC = No Connection

                             $0E $76 $36 $56 $16 $66 $26 $46
                                8     7    6      5      4     3     2    1
                             $00 $00 $48 $00 $5A $6A $06 $4E
                             NC NC TAB NC   -      +     0     9
                             $57 $4F $17 $27 $53 $77 $47 $6C
                               u     y       t     r      e     w     q  ESC
                             $00 $00 $58 $28 $5E $07 $7B $4B
                             NC NC RET LF    =     p      o     i
                             $2B $0B $73 $33 $13 $67 $43 $00
                               j       h      g     f      d     s      a   NC
                             $00 $00 $F2 $7F $2E $6E $1B $6B
                             NC NC APL DEL  :       ;      l       k       (ALP = ALPHA)
                             $5B $3B $23 $37 $63 $0F $2F $00
                               m     n      b     v     c      x     z    NC
                             $00 $00 $00 $02 $00 $7A $3A $1A
                              NC NC NC SPC NC  /       .        ,

 Upper Case Table
                              $0A $72 $32 $52 $12 $62 $22 $42
                                (       '      &    %     $     #     "     !
                              $00 $00 $FB $00 $2A $01 $3D $4A
                               NC NC BRK NC *      @    ^      )
                              $55 $4D $15 $25 $51 $75 $45 $6F
                               U     Y     T     R     E    W   Q  ESC
                              $00 $00 $03 $3F $1D $05 $79 $49
                              NC NC RET LF     \      P    O     I
                              $29 $09 $71 $31 $11 $65 $41 $00
                                J      H    G    F     D    S     A   NC
                              $00 $00 $5F $7D $5D $6D $19 $69
                              NC NC ALP DEL   ]      [       L    K
                              $59 $39 $21 $35 $61 $0D $2D $00
                                M    N    B    V    C     X     Z   NC
                              $00 $00 $00 $1F $00 $7E $3E $1E
                               NC NC NC SPC NC  ?      >     <

IF KEYS-60 (Modified KTM)
Lower Case Table

                               $0E $76 $36 $56 $16 $66 $26 $46
                                  8     7     6     5     4     3     2     1
                               $08 $03 $48 $20 $5E $5A $06 $4E
                                 BS   `   TAB ^B   =     -       0     9      (^B = Repeat Key*)
                               $57 $4F $17 $27 $53 $77 $47 $6C
                                 u      y      t     r      e     w    q   ESC
                               $6F $1D $58 $28 $6D $07 $7B $4B
                                 {      \    RET  LF   [       p     o      i
                               $2B $0B $73 $33 $13 $67 $43 $00
                                 j       h      g     f      d     s      a   NC 
                               $00 $00 $F2 $7F $72 $6E $1B $6B
                               NC NC CLK DEL  '      ;      l       k       (CLK = Caps Lock)
                               $5B $3B $23 $37 $63 $0F $2F $00
                                 m     n      b     v     c      x     z    NC
                               $FB $00 $00 $02 $00 $7A $3A $1A
                               BRK NC NC SPC NC  /       .       ,
Upper Case Table
                               $2A $32 $3D $52 $12 $62 $01 $42
                                 *      &    ^      %    $     #     @   !
                               $08 $3F $FB $20 $6A $7D $4A $0A
                                 BS  ~   TAB  ^B   +      _      )      (        (^B = Repeat Key*)
                               $55 $4D $15 $25 $51 $75 $45 $6F
                                 U    Y     T     R     E    W   Q  ESC
                               $5F $1F $03 $3F $5D $05 $79 $49
                                 }      |   RET  LF    ]      P    O     I
                               $29 $09 $71 $31 $11 $65 $41 $00
                                 J      H    G    F     D     S    A   NC
                               $00 $00 $F2 $7F $22 $2E $19 $69
                               NC NC CLK DEL "      :      L    K
                               $59 $39 $21 $35 $61 $0D $2D $00
                                 M    N    B    V    C     X    Z    NC
                               $FB $00 $00 $02 $00 $7E $3E $1E
                               BRK NC NC SPC NC  ?     >     <

* I generate a ^B for the repeat key, but you could generate any key you want.

The schematic showing the added keys for the 60 key keyboard is located here.